people said the last time,;...
that my hand was in my face so heres another pic, so do i look good?
and with the hand in the face -
and as the phantom of the opera
Ill ask again, am i a good looking guy?greek theater
?nice hair ?
Ill ask again, am i a good looking guy?performing arts show opera theater
your not smiling so you look kinda emo
i think u look better with ure hand on ure face
yeah you look fine . you're a little chubby but its okay. i like your hair.
u r fine....liked the last pic
I think your cute.I love guys who have the rocker look.I find it very sexy.If I knew you id like you lol =]
You're a bit overweight I'd say. I personally don't find you attractive, but you might appeal more to others if you dropped some weight, like 10 or so pounds.
Cut your hair.
you look just like my friends brother miki. perhaps you know him, he plays world of warcraft all day? seajist. :p
nah, you're not my sip of water. you look a little emo, which dampens my mood. a little chunky in the face, but whatever.
Your hair looks awful - sooooo doesnt suit you. Makes you look bigger than you are. And maybe try not wearing such dark clothes.........
And so why are you asking again?Cut your nails, they will stay clean. Your hair looks Good back. A smile helps... So good posture, and the rest... there you have it! yea, your handsome your putting on the I'm scary, goth look, but the dirty nails gotta go!
well you do look a little overweight but over all i would say on a scale of 1 to 10 ut bout a 6 not HOT but still decent looking with potential (love the pic w/ hand in the face)
you're, interesting, in a good way.
quite fine. not so emo for not dyeing your hair black. a little overweight perhaps. kinda cute because of that.
definitely my type!!! can we meet?? :D
you look like a wanna-be and a loser...
You kinda look like my little cousin who's 14 so I can't say haha
In need of a different hair cut..
um smile and lose some weight
but no, your not a good looking guy
well.. i don't know how to say that.. well here it goes you are quite fat..
lose weight :\
and maybe get a better haircut. it looks greasy.
Cut your hair as it makes it look greasy, stop with the stupid poses and just smile, loose a bit of weight (you don't need to loose a lot but you will look so much better), don't dress emo and if you are wondering why you aren't getting any interest from girls, make your mind up about what is more important; girls or video games as your not going to date a cute girl when you play runescape.
i thnk u looked kinda cute in the pic w/ ur hand in ur face lol
With these pictures you only rate a 9 on the emo dork scale.
No...Now stop posting gay questions man
u look emo so ya u look good
no offence but no your are pretty ugly. im probably the only one who has said stuff as bad as this but you asked. your a bit overweight and look like an emo/goth. your hair is too long so get it cut to spikey
omg lose some weight/tone up and youll be hot =]
i like ur style too.
uhh o thought you looked better with the hand in your face
i just puked srry but if that was you before then better now then before
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